Thursday 18 March 2010

The Knowledge Economy

Week Ones content for ICTs related to the shift in the worlds economy. In previous economies the most sort after resources were agriculture and natural resources. Now, an economic shift to a knowledge based economy, has put education in its most significant position to date.

The weekly readings highlight the importance of learning and the role a Learning Manager can play in enhancing the skills of students that are required in 21st century employment. The knowledge economy is vital for Australia to embrace. From the readings, I have learnt that knowledge as a resource cannot be exhausted but can be repeatedly used, as it is not destroyed in consumption. Moreover, I discovered that the implementation and awareness of Mode 2 knowledge is vital for Learning Managers to exploit, as it is much more likely to typify ways of operating in the new knowledge industry than mode 1. Thus, as a Learning Manager in this era, it is of vital importance to enhance the skills of students in all Key Learning Areas, to ensure their survival for now and well past the era of the knowledge economy.


  1. Hi Chloe,
    what an interesting time in history we are entering as teachers. We are witnessing such a dramatic shift away from values and teaching requirements of the industrial age. We do, indeed need to teach our students skills from all the Key Learning areas but in a multi-disciplinary approach and with a strong focus on'
    diverse and distributed sites of knowledge production and equally diverse channels of its communication and distribution'(Heath,2001).
    When the future is in many ways still very uncertain, we as teachers need to be continuously learning and adapting also so we are best placed to guide our students for, as you say, - now and and well past the knowledge economy.

  2. Thank you for your comment Naomi. It is funny that after writing this post several weeks ago, I have heard that they focus has now shifted again. One lecturer commented the other day in class that no longer is the focus on the 'knowledge economy', but on knowledge itself. It will be interesting to see what the next phase in education and society will be.

