Saturday 27 March 2010

ICTs- 10 out of 10


I am seeing how students become addicted to this technology and how it would make them learn and be engaged. It is 1.30am on a Saturday morning and I am up playing with my blog, created a Voki and looking on youtube (things I have never done before). All of these things are beneficial to my course, but most importantly I am enjoying myself as I learn. I think it is fantastic to be exposed to the types of ICTs used in schools today. I am learning first hand the ICTs we are expected to use in classrooms and developing a passion for the pedagogy I am going to teach. I can defiantly see how student-centric learning will enhance students’ grades, motivation and engagement with the curriculum. 10 out of 10 for integrating Information and Communication Technologies into 21st century education.

Chloe :)

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