Sunday 21 March 2010

Somethings I picked up from Week 2!

Things I have Learnt this Week

  1. Use any form of media to engage the students.  It is not important the method you use to teach, it is important what you are teaching is reaching the students on an intellectual level.
  2. From this weeks readings, I have found it important to ensure when creating learning experiences (lesson plans) that I do not just talk to the students about the content or make them read specific pages in the text book and get them to complete the follow on questions.  I understand that my job as a learning manager is to enhance student learning, by making it student-centred learning.  That is learning that is purposeful and relates to aspects of everyday life.
  3. All students belong in the classroom, regardless of their level of achievement.
Everyone has different ‘gifts and talents’ that are not always recognised in a school environment

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