Monday 26 April 2010

Google Earth

Hi All,

I think that Google Earth is a wonderful tool that can be implemented into the classroom in so many imaginative ways I never would have thought possible before reading Joe Wood’s Blog.

I have learned that Google Earth can be used as a way of creating a virtual tour around the planet. Students can create their own tour for wherever they wish to visit. From reading the posts to Joe’s Blog, Google Earth can be used as an educational tool that can help to enhance a student’s understanding of places and spaces.

Google Earth can be implemented into a classroom in the following ways (as adapted from Joe Wood’s blog):

• Arts and Literature;
• Social Studies;
• Mathematics and
• Science.

Arts and Literature
 Create a virtual tour of Shakespeare’s life, including where he was born, where he grew up, where the ‘Globe’ is situated and where many of his plays took place and the places in which his plays were based on (ie. Shakespeare’s Hamlet was based in Denmark).

Social Studies
 Students could create a virtual tour of the places where Ned Kelly visited during his most infamous time.
 Students could also make a tour of the places that were most famous in the Eureka Stockade. Students could make a comparison of the places now, to how the think they would have looked at the time of the gold rush.

 Students could use Google Earth to conduct real life Maths lessons. This can be done through measuring areas of countries, perimeters and other lessons that incorporate the longitude and latitude of countries.

 Use Google Earth to create and monitor temperature trends, patterns in the moon and sun, examine areas where earthquakes have struck, etc.

Above are only a few examples of the ways Google Earth can be implemented into the classroom, however, if you would like more examples of effective ways to use Google Earth in your classroom, I suggest you visit Joe’s Blog.




  1. Hey Chloe,

    I like how you have integrated ways in using google earth in terms of subject areas

    Very creative!

  2. Hi Chloe,

    You have really thought long and hard about the ways you could use google earth, I really enjoyed reading this post. Personally I struggled to think of a creative way of using Google earth in my teaching. You have really opened my eyes to a few new ways I could use it. Thanks for posting your ideas.
    Cheers, Katie
