Monday 26 April 2010

You Tube

Hi All,

I never really used You Tube before I started this course. I never understood the hype of how people could ‘waste hours on end’ playing around with You Tube. Now, I think You Tube is fantastic. There is something for everyone on You Tube. There is educational videos, funny comedy clips, How To Clips, you name it, You Tube has it.
Below is a clip I would definitely use in my classroom. The other day in class we were actually doing activities on nouns and the students couldn’t understand and comprehend what a noun was. I think this clip is extrememly catchy and would engage the students to help the remember exactly what a noun is. I would show this clip at the beginning of a lesson so that students could remember the catch phrase used throughout the clip ‘a noun is a person, place or thing’. The tune is stuck in my head and I would hope that students would be the same.

Enjoy the Clip


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