Wednesday 21 April 2010


Hi All,
I have created a PowerPoint presentation this week. I have used PowerPoint several times in the past, therefore I didn’t face any new challenges when creating this PowerPoint. However, I look forward to implanting audio and visual aspects to my next PowerPoint presentation.

I personally think PowerPoint is a fantastic teaching tool as it provides the visual aid to accompany the presentation. PowerPoint, when used effectively can provide a greater understand of the concept, as it can embed important and relevant key words, through visual representation, that the speaker is focusing on.

I would implement PowerPoint into my classroom when introducing a new Unit of Work or any other interesting topic. It can also be used as a focus point to engage students within a subject area that they may be experiencing particular issues with.

Below I have created a small PowerPoint presentation, for the purpose of ICTs for Learning Design. I enjoyed playing with PowerPoint, as I haven’t created a PowerPoint presentation for a while. The focus of this PowerPoint was time management. It is important that all students have a concept of time management and have their own routines that work effectively for themselves, as we all live busy lives. Through creating awareness of time management and educating students on how they too, can have good time management, I would hope to see an increase in class participation, homework being completed as well as other extra curricular activities that occur in the home.

(I am very proud of myself for incorporating new technology with SlideShare. I worked out all by myself how to embed a slideshow into my blog and I now have yet another great technology tool I can use in my classroom).



  1. Hi Chloe
    Great slideshow! I think you will find this really useful. Goal setting was a really good topic to pick and I can definitely see myself using this idea in the classroom so thank you for sharing!
    All the best

  2. Hi Hannah,

    Thank you. I think goal setting and time management are important topics to address in the classroom. Through establishing goal setting with your students, you encourage them to complete tasks more proactively and progressively, rather than in a rush and half completed.


  3. Hi

    I read this post two times.

    I like it so much, please try to keep posting.

    Let me introduce other material that may be good for our community.

    Source: Time management powerpoint

    Best regards
