Monday 26 April 2010


Wikipedia is a great starting point for all researched based assignments and any general information you require about any possible topic. Wikipedia is a great starting point as it has strict guidelines for who can place information on the webpage and is constantly monitored by professionals in relevant fields.

Wikipedia also provides an extensive reference list to the information that has been used as the focus point for each topic area. This is due to the source being provided as a link to each topic area. Wikipedia is an easy and effective way to get relevant and factual information all in the one location. This saves time and frustration when researching for assessment tasks. Likewise, as learning managers, we can encourage students to start their research process by using Wikipedia as their first port of call for finding information about their desired topic. Through allowing students to use Wikipedia, we can encourage exceptional research skills and stop procrastination through offering them an abundance of knowledge in one vicinity.

Wikipedia is also a great starting point due to it's convenience. No longer do students need to go to the library and seek encyclopaedias in which they are not allowed to take home, they can access all the relevant information they require in one convenient location, thus meaning that students are able to study in their own way, at any time that best suits their schedule.

You can access Wikipedia by clicking here.


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