Monday 26 April 2010

SlideShare and Using Music on the Web

Hi All,

I have already experimented with SlideShare when I used it to upload my ‘Time Management’ PowerPoint onto my blog a couple of weeks ago. I didn’t have the opportunity to add audio to my PowerPoint presentation when I was constructing it, as I didn’t have access to the relevant resources to make that a possibility (and I still do not have access to a computer with a microphone to make that possible now). However, I do see the benefits of adding audio to a slideshow presentation. By adding audio to a presentation you have the ability to present the same presentation when relevant. This in turn saves time and resources as the lecture (or presentation) to accompany the slideshow has already been presented (thus reducing the need for someone to present the same content time after time). Through adding audio, thus having the opportunity to re-use the same presentation it provides consistency to allows people to feel better engaged than simply just looking at the PowerPoint itself (for example distance education students may find a Podcast to accompany a PowerPoint presentation more insightful than simply just reading the limited information that is presented on the slides).

Again, I do not have access to the technology to download music and save it to my computer (as I am using a public computer). However, I can see how adding music to your pedagogical strategy can enhance the engagement of children with a particular topic. Music could be used to introduce a topic or motivate children to learn (or used to help children remember something). The most prime example of using music in the classroom would be the rhyme used to teach children how to say the alphabet. Moreover, a previous post is also a wonderful example of how music could be successfully implemented into to classroom to assist students with their learning. The You Tube clip featured a song about nouns. The way the song was presented, it allowed children a opportunity to remember and interpret what a noun is.

I would appreciate any feedback from any of my blogs.



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